Linkalist has been built on the principle that at least for the early stages, the best amount of code for a startup to own is no code. Coding is expensive, slow and every line of code introduces a maintenance cost. We allow the Entrepreneur build her application by defining the lists of data involved and the relationships between them. We have designed template views that allow your customers view and interact with these data objects.
These lists can be anything - message & senders, products & orders, posts & images .... the list goes on. The key part is that you can define them and let linkalist take care of the hard work of letting your customers create, viewing edit and delete their data. And you can avoid writing any code until well after you have a living working product in front of your customers.
When the time is right, we support a variety of ways of integrating your linkalist experience with your own code. If you've outgrown our built-in templates, we provide you with the option of defining custom views to make your application truly your own. And as your company grows, you'll find that everything in linkalist can be accessed through a RESTful API so that you can eventually choose whatever technology you like if you outgrow what we provide. We currently provide SDKs for Android and iOS which help enormously with rapid native mobile App development.